
Bill Gibson – Knowing Your Purpose

After attending Dr. John Demartini’s Breakthrough Experience Week-end, I decided to put together a Purpose Statement to help keep me on focus and act as a guide in both my business and personal life. I am sharing My Purpose with you. It may help you structure one for yourself. It took weeks of pondering and re-working. All the best!

The Personal Development & Spiritual Life section of my Blog is there with only the good intent to support and serve the core beliefs and values of all people, regardless of race, creed or religion. This insight is not meant to challenge, convince or spark a debate.

The force that is present in most of our lives has many names. Some of them are Allah, Shiva, Krishna, God, El Shaddai, Buddha, Great Spirit, The Infinite, and the list goes on. The language I utilise is God.

My Purpose

 I am continually “INSPIRING” myself, my family, and others “WORLD WIDE” to release our “FULL POTENTIAL”, discover our “SELF-WORTH”, find “COMPLETE HAPPINESS”, and uncover “TRUE MEANING” in our personal, family, business, community, social, financial, career, physical, mental and spiritual lives while “HERE ON EARTH AND BEYOND.” I accomplish this daily through “LISTENING CLOSELY” to my “HIGHER SELF” and through “DIVINE GUIDANCE” from the ONE AND ONLY PROVIDER OF ALL ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY, you the “ALMIGHTY GOD … CREATOR OF ALL.” I continually receive from “UNPRESCRIBED SOURCES” an unending, unlimited amount of money, joy, love, wisdom, insights, ideas, peace, happiness and respect in return for the service of devoting my life daily to living this PURPOSE. I fulfil this PURPOSE daily through ENTHUSIASTICALLY AND CONFIDENTLY speaking, presenting, coaching, writing, creating, publishing, producing, marketing and distributing meaningful “HOW TO’S”, “IDEAS,” “INSIGHTS,” and “PROCESSES” in whatever form of communication it takes to INSPIRE MYSELF and OTHERS worldwide to reach our FULL POTENTIAL and achieve COMPLETE MASTERY, in whatever we do.



and for WHAT I DO!












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Bill Gibson – Tap Into The Source

As an Entrepreneur and Business Owner I often, like most people, wake up in the middle of the night full of doubt and fear…especially just before month end.

For me, like most people in life, I find that I have to be open to a force that is much more powerful than me. I pray, I meditate, I contemplate and now and again I receive insights that calm me and guide me in a specific direction.

The Personal Development & Spiritual Life section of my Blog is there with only the good intent to support and serve the core beliefs and values of all people, regardless of race, creed or religion. This insight is not meant to challenge, convince or spark a debate.

The force that is present in most of our lives has many names. Some of them are Allah, Shiva, Krishna, God, El Shaddai, Buddha, Great Spirit, The Infinite, and the list goes on. The language I utilise is God.

I have shared this insight with many close friends of different religions and faiths and they have convinced me to share it with the world. Our Spiritual Life is a key part of our success in life. The insight that I share with you in this article came to me at 3:30am one morning after waking up full of stress and worry. I read it often. It came from a source higher than my ego self.


Lift Me Up To The High Road Of Life


“Oh Yee Of Little Faith”

Is An “Amazing State That Shouldn’t Rate.”

It Is “Rough … When I’m Caught Up”

In The “Dance Of The Trance”

Of The Collective Consciousness

Of The “Carnal Mind Of Humankind”


Yesterday I Had An Awareness, An Understanding

And A Knowledge Of Spirit

That Appeared With “Clarity To Be Prosperity”

And That Was “Born As Form”

Then The Human Mind … Through The

Many Years Of The “Madness Of Sadness

And The Many “Bouts With Doubts”

Slowly “Seeped In During My Sleep” And

I Awoke Shaken By The “Fears Of The Years”

Where I Had Been “Beaten By What The Locust Had Eaten”

And By A “Past That Didn’t Last”


Oh Lord, I’m “So Aware That It Is Only A Scare”

And All I Have To Do Is Have A “Date With Faith”

To “Restore My Fate” And To “Have A View Of The New”

That Only Comes From The “Light Of The Flight”

Of “The High Road Of Life”


Oh Lord, Once Again, “Lift Me Up With The Sight Of The Right”

And “Leave Behind The Carnal Mind”

And Leave Me With The “Health And The Wealth”

Of The “High Road Of Life” That Will

“Go Before And Restore” The Many Years

That The Locusts Have Eaten.

                                                                                               –         Bill Gibson


Bill Gibson – Mother Nature Opens Us Up

On two days in February in the heat of the South African summer I got up at about 5:00am at Kwa Maritane in the Pilanesberg National Park. I sat on the patio and took in the beauty and sounds of nature and the wild life. I was entertaining two gentleman, Riadh and Ali from Kuwait, who came to South Africa to obtain the licencing rights to take my programs into the Middle East. We agreed we would invest in 2-3 days  in getting to know each other before entering into negotiation. It was great to get to know each other’s values, beliefs, and practices to ensure there was a proper fit. I personally was doing everything I could to be centred and confident in the negotiations.

The following two insights of a spiritual nature came to me and added great strength to me and continues to do so when I re-read them. Hopefully you will find them useful for you.

The Personal Development & Spiritual Life section of my Blog is there with only the good intent to support and serve the core beliefs and values of all people, regardless of race, creed or religion. This insight is not meant to challenge, convince or spark a debate.

The force that is present in most of our lives has many names. Some of them are Allah, Shiva, Krishna, God, El Shaddai, Buddha, Great Spirit, The Infinite, and the list goes on. The language I utilise is God.

Follow His Plan


I see, I feel and I know,

That the Divine Expression is the flow.

The birds, the bees, the grass and the trees,

Are God’s Demonstration that we can be free.


His ever flowing creative energy,

Fills my life with Divine Synergy.

The joy and the love of every incident,

Is without a doubt not a co-incidence.


He has a direction and he has a plan,

For you, for me, for every woman, child and man.

He writes it here and he writes it there,

And all we have to do is be aware.


Make him your focus and make him your life,

And you will find out everything is alright.

Feeling great and feeling light,

Is all part of being blessed with his insight.


It can be yours and it can be mine,

All we have to do is read the signs.

Peace, hope and clarity,

Is what comes with God’s charity.


Keep him close and keep him near,

Then you will live without any fear.

You are blessed and so am I,

Because in the end, we will be on “High”


As Within…So Without



I plant the seeds of all my needs,

 And ask the gardener to remove the weeds.

I water these flowers of my mind,

 And my old reality is left behind.


I find myself “on a roll”,

 When my divine flowers align with my soul.

If it is within…then it is without,

And now I’ve discovered “this is the route”


My divine needs, wants and desires,

 Have become the fuel that feeds my fire.

My mind, body and my  soul,

 Support the reaching of my goals.


As above…then so below,

 Is the only law I have to know.

When I’m aware and understand,

 I’m pleasantly surprised where I land.


My faith, hopes and my trust,

 Are the divine powers behind my thrust.

My joy, love and my fun,

 Confirms for me…that It Is Done.


I say to you and I say to me,

 That you and I can be free.

If we look above and look within,

 Completeness is ours in the end.

–       Bill Gibson

Bill Gibson – Surrendering Can Be Powerful

There was a time that I felt surrendering was a sign of weakness or being a coward. I guess it depends on why and who we are surrendering to.

The following insight came to me at a time I was trying to fight the “battles of life” all by myself. I titled it Surrendering To His Way.

The Personal Development & Spiritual Life section of my Blog is there with only the good intent to support and serve the core beliefs and values of all people, regardless of race, creed or religion. This insight is not meant to challenge, convince or spark a debate.

The force that is present in most of our lives has many names. Some of them are Allah, Shiva, Krishna, God, El Shaddai, Buddha, Great Spirit, The Infinite, and the list goes on. The language I utilise is God.


Surrender To His Way


Oh what a beautiful realisation,

That there is much more to this civilization,

Than the “hustle” and “bustle” of the day,

There is the peace and joy of God’s Way.


I am aware, understand and know,

That the Divine Source is the only way to go.

With all my focus on the Divine Mind,

The “hustle” and “bustle” are left behind.


Through my trust and faith in the Light of Truth,

My prosperity and abundance go through the roof.

My needs, wants, goals and desires,

Are totally met because God only inspires.


My feeling nature now has a glow,

For the simple reason I’m in God’s flow.

To the Divine I surrender my doubts and fears,

That I held so closely through the years.


My gratitude, thanks giving and my love,

Releases the gifts from the Divine above.

There is no limit to the gifts I receive,

When I freely give to those in need.


With my consciousness of spirit,

As my unlimited source.

I now rest in peace,

I’m finally living, with the Divine Force.


You too can have it all,

Just listen carefully and respond to his call.

You have my assurance you’ll have a wonderful day,

If you totally surrender to God’s Way.

–          Bill Gibson