Bill Gibson – How To Master Risk

A few years ago my wife Beverley and I were discussing the setbacks that we had encountered in our life because of taking uncalculated risks both personally and in business.

We immediately brainstormed the topic of Mastering Risk and came up with some valuable “pain saving” insights on the topic.

Recently on Facebook I posted a “cut down” version and immediately some of my Facebook friends requested the complete version. These short but realistic tips point out that the “short cuts” in life may actually be the “long road” to what we determine to be our successes. Corporates, Governments and non-profits will find this blog posting very useful as well and may want to circulate it.

Mastering Risk

A “Risk” is when we know what we want but we are not taking the time to “think it out” and “source it out” properly.

Instead, we take the risk of a “shorter cut,” a “shorter route” to try and get what we want. This usually results in failure because we didn’t take the time and energy to gather enough information, seek out the know-how, focus with the right action and utilise patience and persistence to see it manifest.

We don’t have to “fool ourselves” by taking unnecessary risks because we actually have the “intelligence” available to us to get there if we will be honest with ourselves about what it really takes to get what we want and follow the steps to get there.

In essence what seems to be “the longer road” to getting what we want may be the “real short cut” that frees us from our own anxious, emotional, impatient ego selves.

Patience is a virtue. Impatience breeds mediocrity through “short cuts.” Mediocrity breeds risk. Unnecessary risks breeds disappointment and unhappiness through their unsatisfactory outcomes. Therefore, Mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed.

Be your Genius Self. Take the time and energy to be an absolute Master in all that you do … even the little things and those tasks that you don’t like to do but need to do.

Mastery of any skill, action or task is the path of joy. You achieve this by “being one with the present” and by “being one with the now.” Give and be your absolute best at all times.

Joy and ecstasy are in doing your absolute best in the moment you are in and giving your utmost to the present task at hand. This is Mastery and Mastery eliminates unnecessary risks. Mastery is Genius! Choose to be a Genius!

May the Genius in you shine forever!

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